
Interior design: stili | styles | สไตล์

Interior design: stili | styles | สไตล์
Photo by Chih-Yuan Ronnie Wu | Canva.com

ITA. Una delle prime domande quando si parla di interior design è sicuramente “che stile ti piace”? Credo che sia una delle domande più difficili a cui rispondere, soprattutto perché persone diverse possono interpretare uno stesso stile in diversi modi!

ENG. One of the first questions when it comes to interior design is definitely “what style do you like”? I think it’s one of the most difficult questions to answer, especially because different people can interpret the same style in different ways!

THAI. หนึ่งในคำถามแรกเมื่อพูดถึงการออกแบบตกแต่งภายในคือ “คุณชอบสไตล์ไหน?” เราคิดว่า คำตามนี้เป็นหนึ่งในคำถามที่ตอบยากที่สุด เพราะคนต่างๆ อาจจะนึกถึงสไตล์เดี่ยวกันในหลายๆแบบที่ต่างกัน

ITA. Negli anni, gli stili si sono evoluti, mischiandosi tra di loro oppure dividendosi in sottocategorie, prendendo letteralmente vita propria.

È possibile vedere questa evoluzione andando ad analizzare le riviste di arredamento e gli stili che propongono di anno in anno, a seconda di ciò che va di moda.

Ma se guardiamo attentamente le abitazioni che ci vengono proposte, ci renderemo presto conto che si parla sempre più spesso non di uno stile unico, ma di una commistione di stili, ad esempio “industriale moderno” o “rustico contemporaneo”, dove i termini “moderno” e “contemporaneo” acquistano un significato particolare a seconda dei gusti di ogni persona.

ENG. Over the years, styles have evolved, mixing with each other or dividing into sub-categories, literally taking on a life of its own.

You can see this evolution by going to analyze the furniture magazines and the styles that they propose from year to year, depending on what is in fashion.

But if we look carefully at the houses that are proposed to us, we will soon realize that we are talking more and more often not of a unique style, but of a mixture of styles, for example “modern industrial” or “contemporary rustic”, where the terms “modern” and “contemporary” acquire a particular meaning according to the tastes of each person.

THAI. ในช่วงหลายปีที่ผ่านมา สไตล์ตกแต่งภายในมีการพัฒนารูปแบบ ผสมผสานกับ หรือแบ่งเป็นประเภทย่อย พัฒนาเป็นสไตล์ใหม่ คุณสามารถเห็นวิวัฒนาการนี้ได้ โดยไปดูหนังสือเกี่ยวกับการตกแต่งและสไตล์ออกแบบบ้าน และดูว่าในหนงสือนั้นเสนอสไตล์อะไรบ้างในแต่ละปี ขึ้นอยู่กับสิ่งที่เป็นแฟชั่นของปีนั้นด้วย แต่ถ้าเราดูบ้านที่เสนอในหนังสือนั้น เราจะสังเกตว่า ส่วนใหญ่จะพูดถึงสไตล์ที่ผสมกันมากขึ้น โดยจะมีสไตล์ใหม่ๆ เช่น “modern industrial” หรือ “contemporary rustic” ซึ่งคำว่า “modern” และ “contemporary” ได้รับความหมายเฉพาะตามรสนิยมของแต่ละคน

Interior design: stili | styles | สไตล์

ITA. Oggi andremo a vedere insieme gli elementi rappresentativi degli stili base più conosciuti nel campo dell’interior design, grazie all’aiuto di un interessante e dettagliato articolo del sito happydiyhome.com che vi invito ad andare a leggere se vi interessa l’argomento.

ENG. Today we will go to see together the elements representative of the most popular basic styles in the field of interior design, thanks to the help of an interesting and detailed article on the site happydiyhome.com that I invite you to go and read if you are interested in the topic.

THAI. วันนี้เราจะไปดูองค์ประกอบที่เป็นตัวแทนของรูปแบบพื้นฐานที่เป็นที่นิยมมากที่สุดในด้านการออกแบบตกแต่งภายในด้วยความช่วยเหลือของบทความที่น่าสนใจและมีรายละเอียดในเว็บไซต์ happydiyhome.com ที่เราเชิญคุณไปและอ่านถ้าคุณมีความสนใจในหัวข้อ

Interior design: stili | styles | สไตล์

ITA. L’altro testo che ho utilizzato per questa classifica è il libro bilingue thailandese/inglese Home Interior 4.0, della stessa casa editrice della rivista Baan Lae Suan, e che è stato fondamentale per delineare alcune caratteristiche degli stili asiatici.

ENG. The other text I used for this post is the Thai / English bilingual book Home Interior 4.0, by the same publisher as Baan Lae Suan magazine, and which was fundamental in outlining some characteristics of Asian styles.

THAI. ข้อความอื่นๆ ที่เราใช้สำหรับโพสต์นี้ คือหนังสือภาษาไทย/อังกฤษ Home Decor 4.0 โดยสำนักพิมพ์เดียวกับนิตยสาร บ้านและสวน และเป็นพื้นฐานในการสรุปลักษณะบางอย่างของสไตล์เอเชีย

ITA. In tutto, si tratta di 51 stili, divisi in 10 categorie.
E c’è da dire che, dopo questa ricerca, mi viene da dire che si potrebbero trovare ancora molte altre sottocategorie, a seconda dell’area geografica, del clima, della cultura e dei materiali a disposizione.

Ovviamente queste sono solo linee guida per definire cosa si intende quando si parla di un determinato stile, e devo premettere che non ci sono regole precise, anche perché spesso, a seconda delle proprie preferenze personali, è possibile infrangere le regole degli stili per creare l’ambiente più adatto al proprio stile di vita e gusti.

Non abbiate dunque paura a prendere come riferimento le linee guida che più vi piacciono dei diversi stili per crearne uno proprio: in fondo, è proprio questo il bello del lavoro di un interior designer!

ENG. In all, there are 51 styles, divided into 10 categories. And it must be said that, after this research, I think that many other sub-categories could still be found, depending on the geographical area, climate, culture and materials available.

Obviously these are only guidelines to define what we meant when we talk about a certain style, and I must start by saying that there are no precise rules, also because often, depending on your personal preferences, it is possible to break the rules of styles to create the environment best suited to one’s lifestyle and tastes.

So don’t be afraid to take the guidelines you like most about the different styles as a reference to create your own: after all, this is the beauty of an interior designer’s job!

THAI. ทั้งหมดมี 51 สไตล์ แบ่งออกเป็น 10 ประเภท และต้องบอกว่า หลังจากการวิจัยนี้ เราคิดว่าอาจจะมีอีกประเภทอื่นๆ มากมาย ขึ้นอยู่กับพื้นที่ทางภูมิศาสตร์ สภาพภูมิ อากาศ วัฒนธรรม และ วัสดุที่มี อยากให้เห็นได้ชัดว่า นี่เป็นเพียงแนวทางในการกำหนดสิ่งที่เราหมายถึงเมื่อเราพูดถึงสไตล์หนึ่งสไตล์ และเราต้องแจ้งว่า ไม่มีกฎที่แม่นยำเช่นกัน เพราะบ่อยครั้งเราสามารถออกจากกฎนั้นและสั่งสไตล์ใหม่ๆ แบบผสม ขึ้นอยู่กับความชอบส่วนตัว ดังนั้น อย่ากลัวที่จะใช้แนวทางที่คุณชอบมากที่สุดเกี่ยวกับสไตล์แต่ละสไตล์ เพื่อเป็นข้อมูลอ้างอิงในการสร้างสไตล์ของคุณเอง: ทั้งหมดนี่ คือความงามของงานออกแบบตกแต่งภายใน ค่ะ (ปัจจุบัน เรายังไม่ได้แปลรายละเอียดของแต่ละสไตล์ ต้องขอโทษด้วย เมื่อไรเราแปลเสร็จ เดี๋ยวจะมา Update เป็นภาษาไทยนะคะ แต่ต้อนนี้ใครสนใจจะอ่านต่อ ยังมีภาษาอังกฤษ เป็นประโยคสั้นๆ และมีรูปภาพเพื่อจะได้เข้าใจแต่ละสไตล์มากขึ้น)

Indice degli stili | Index of the styles


  • Stile contemporaneo | Contemporary Style


  • Stile moderno | Modern style
  • Stile zen moderno | Modern zen style
  • Stile classico moderno | Classic modern style
  • Stile moderno anni ‘50 -‘60 | Mid-century modern ‘50-‘60
  • Stile urbano moderno | Urban modern style
  • Stile post moderno | Postmodern style
  • Stile scandinavo moderno | Modern Scandinavian style


  • Stile minimalista | Minimalist style


  • Stile tradizionale | Traditional style
  • Stile eclettico | Eclectic style
  • Stile di transizione | Transitional style
  • Stile Antico | Antique style
  • Stile vintage | Vintage style
  • Stile retrò | Retro style
  • Stile art deco | Art deco style
  • Stile art nouveau | Art nouveau style


  • Stile sfarzoso | Glamorous style
  • Stile Hollywoodiano | Hollywood glam style
  • Stile Hollywood classico | Classic Hollywood style
  • Stile appartamento parigino | Parisian Apartment Style


  • Stile industriale | Industrial style
  • Stile loft | Stile loft


  • Stile rustico | Rustic style
  • Stile rustico moderno | Modern rustic style
  • Stile rustico moderno cinese | Chinese modern rustic style
  • Stile Mix & Match | Mix & Match Style
  • Stile DIY | DIY style
  • Stile Shabby Chic | Shabby Chic style


  • Stile country | Country style
  • Stile country inglese | English country style
  • Stile country francese | French country style
  • Stile country americano | American country style
  • Stile country thai | Thai country style


  • Stile tropicale | Tropical style
  • Stile thai tropicale moderno | Modern tropical Thai style
  • Stile bali tropicale moderno | Modern tropical Bali style
  • Stile Bali tropicale | Tropical Bali style


  • Stile occidentale del sud | South Western Style
  • Stile provenzale francese | French provincial style
  • Stile Bohèmien | Bohèmien style
  • Stile Toscano | Tuscany style
  • Stile mediterraneo | Mediterranean style
  • Stile costiero | Coastal style
  • Stile marocchino | Morocco style
  • Stile tribale | Tribal style
  • Stile cinese tradizionale | Traditional Chinese style
  • Stile giapponese tradizionale | Traditional Japanese style
  • Stile Zen asiatico | Asian Zen style
  • Stile Lanna (Thailandia del Nord) | Lanna style (Northern Thailand)
  • Stile scandinavo | Scandinavian style


Stile contemporaneo

Contemporary style

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Photo by Pinterest
  • Semplice eleganza,
  • Mobili moderni e ariosi
  • Uso di metallo e vetro
  • Ambienti molto luminosi
  • Simple elegance
  • Airy furniture
  • Metal and glass
  • Bright rooms


Stile moderno

Modern style

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Photo by ldshoppe.com | Pinterest
  • Spazi puliti e freschi
  • Evitare l’uso di accessori
  • Mobili funzionali
  • Simmetria nelle linee della stanza
  • Tavolozza di colori monocromatici o neutri
  • Clean and fresh space
  • Avoid accessories Functional furniture
  • Symmetry in the lines of the room
  • Monochromatic or neutral colour palette

Stile zen moderno

Modern zen style

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Photo by casatreschic.blogspot.com | Pinterest
  • Ispirato allo stile tradizionale giapponese
  • Semplice e minimalista
  • Spazi aperti, ispirati alla natura
  • Uso di materiali naturali poco lavorati
  • Disposizione dei mobili secondo un equilibrio visivo, non necessariamente simmetrico
  • Colori neutri, principalmente bianco e nero, e legno
  • Se possibile, piccolo giardino zen per la meditazione
  • Inspired by the traditional Japanese style
  • Simple and minimalist
  • Open spaces, inspired by nature
  • Use of lightly processed natural materials
  • Arrangement of the furniture according to a visual balance, not necessarily symmetrical
  • Neutral colors, mainly black and white, and wood
  • If possible, small Zen garden for meditation

Stile classico moderno

Classic modern style

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Photo by behance.net | Pinterest
  • Principali ispirazioni: architettura greca antica, romana, neoclassica
  • Prova a combinare architettura classica e design moderno
  • Pareti decorate con boiserie e cornici fini, spesso nello stesso colore della parete
  • Colori neutri desaturati, con prevalenza di bianco, nero e varie tonalità del grigio
  • Pavimento in legno o in marmo
  • Lampadari e mobili in stile moderno
  • Main inspirations: ancient Greek, Roman, Neoclassic architecture
  • Try to mix and match Classic architecture and Modern design
  • Walls decorated with wainscoting and fine frames, often in the same color as the wall
  • Neutral desaturated colors, with a prevalence of white, black and various shades of gray
  • Wood or marble floor
  • Chandeliers and modern style furniture

Stile moderno
anni ‘50 -‘60

Mid-century modern ’50 – ’60

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Photo by fridlaa.de | Pinterest
  • Soggiorno visivamente aperto
  • Materiali: legno
  • Forme organiche naturali
  • Colori: toni del blu, del verde e dell’arancio
  • Inside/outside living
  • Material: wood
  • Natural organic shapes
  • Colour palette of blues, greens and oranges

Stile urbano moderno

Urban modern style

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Photo by blog.froy.com | Pinterest
  • Spazio aperto e flessibile
  • Sensazioni: morbidezza, femminile, chic
  • Arredi dalle forme sinuose e morbide, in contrasto con gli elementi “rigidi” come le piastrelle
  • Tappeti dalle texture organiche
  • Mobili all’avanguardia
  • Quadri astratti
  • Piante da appartamento
  • Open plan and flexible space
  • Soft, feminine and chic space
  • Sinuous and soft furnishings, in contrast with the “rigid” elements such as tiles
  • Organic textured rugs
  • Cutting edge furniture
  • Abstract paintings
  • House plants

Stile post moderno

Postmodern style

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Photo by clemaroundthecorner.com | Pinterest
  • Eccentrico e poco ortodosso
  • Scelte audaci di colore per mobili e accessori
  • Accostamenti kitsch
  • Mobili in stile pop art
  • Pavimento in cemento
  • Arredamento non funzionale
  • Quirky and unorthodox
  • Bold color choices for furniture and accessories
  • Kitsch combinations
  • Pop art style furniture
  • Concrete floor
  • Non-functional furniture

Stile scandinavo moderno

Modern Scandinavian style

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Photo by roovice.com | Pinterest
  • Visivamente più pesante rispetto allo stile scandinavo classico
  • Influenze moderne con spunti di retrò
  • Mobili ispirati allo stile scandinavo degli anni ‘50
  • Colore predominante: legno
  • Mobili spesso interamente in legno
  • Forme organiche
  • Colori caldi
  • Piante in vaso
  • Visually heavier than the classic Scandinavian style
  • Modern influences with retro cues
  • Furniture inspired by the Scandinavian style of the 1950s
  • Predominant color: wood
  • Furniture often entirely made of wood
  • Organic forms
  • Warm colors
  • Potted plants


Stile minimalista

Minimalist style

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Photo by richard.kaan.best | Pinterest
  • Semplicità (“Keep it Simple” e “Less is More”)
  • Uso di tappeti e coperte per aggiungere calore alla stanza
  • Luce naturale
  • Mobili funzionali
  • Colori monocromatici o toni neutri
  • Simplicity (“Keep it Simple” & “Less is More”)
  • Rugs and throws for warmth
  • Natural light
  • Functional furnitures
  • Monochromatic or neutral colour palette


Stile tradizionale

Traditional style

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Photo by hikendip.com | Pinterest
  • Ispirato allo stile europeo del XVIII e XIX secolo
  • Materiali “pesanti”
  • Mobili in legno scuro
  • Colori neutri con tocchi di colore sofisticati
  • Pavimenti in piastrelle o in legno
  • Con dipinti ad olio e dettagli classici
  • Inspired by 18th and 19th century Europe
  • Heavy materials
  • Dark wood furniture
  • Neutral colors with sophisticated touches of color
  • Tiled or wooden floors
  • With oil paintings and classic details

Stile eclettico

Eclectic style

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Photo by theinterioreditor.com | Pinterest
  • Mescola diversi periodi storici
  • Stile più formale
  • Accostamenti coraggiosi
  • Filo conduttore per colore o texture
  • Utilizzo di quadri a muro
  • Mix different historical periods
  • More formal style
  • Bold combinations
  • Conducting thread by color or texture
  • Use of pictures on the wall

Stile di transizione

Transitional style

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Photo by curbly.com | Pinterest
  • Mescola elementi tradizionali e mobili contemporanei
  • Utilizzo minimo di decorazioni
  • Colori caldi neutri
  • Materiali naturali, come legno, tessuti
  • Mix traditional elements and contemporary furniture
  • Minimal accessories
  • Neutral warm colour palette
  • Natural material as wood, fabric textiles

Stile Antico

Antique style

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Photo by theidentite.co | Pinterest
  • Pezzi d’arte d’epoca
  • Ideale per mettere in mostra le proprie collezioni
  • È possibile mescolare vari stili e epoche a seconda del proprio gusto personale
  • Mobili d’epoca restaurati
  • Atmosfera da museo o collezione d’arte
  • Vintage pieces of art
  • Ideal for showing off your collections
  • You can mix various styles and eras according to your personal taste
  • Period furniture restored
  • Museum or art collection mood

Stile vintage

Vintage style

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Photo by PPhoto by decoratedlife.com | Pinterest
  • Senso di fascino misto alla storia
  • Colori pastello
  • Tessuti in pizzo e velluto
  • Mobili d’epoca restaurati
  • Sense of charm mix with history
  • Pastel colours
  • Lace and velvet fabric
  • Period furniture restored

Stile retrò

Retro style

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Photo by maisonsdumonde.com | Pinterest
  • Mescola lo stile anni ‘60-’70 con elementi moderni
  • Colori brillanti e vivaci
  • Mobili d’epoca restaurati, anche con colori vivaci
  • Mobili con gambe in legno
  • Uso di tessuti di diverse tipologie
  • Mix the 60s and 70s style with modern elements
  • Bright and vivid colors
  • Period furniture restored, even with bright colors
  • Furniture with wooden legs
  • Use of different types of fabrics

Stile art deco

Art deco style

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Photo by thedesignsheppard.com | Pinterest
  • Ricerca di simmetria
  • Pezzi d’arte e mobili d’epoca
  • Colori vivaci
  • Contrasto di colori
  • Pareti colorate o con carta da parati con pattern
  • Utilizzo di specchi e vetro
  • Elementi decorativi in metallo dorato
  • Statue
  • Aim for symmetry
  • Source art deco era décor and furniture
  • Bold colors
  • Colors’ contrast
  • Painted wall or with wallpaper pattern
  • Mirrors and glass
  • Accent with precious metals
  • Statues

Stile art nouveau

Art nouveau style

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Photo by martynwhite.london | Pinterest
  • Abbraccia il naturale e il femminile
  • Decorazioni e motivi floreali
  • Uso di tessuti e carte da parati
  • Utilizzo di linee curve
  • Asimmetria
  • Colori ispirati alla natura: bianchi, verdi e marroni
  • Materiale: legno, vetro e ferro
  • Embraces the natural and the feminine
  • Floral patterns and decoration
  • Textile and wallpapers
  • Curvaceous lines
  • Asymmetry
  • Colors inspired by nature: whites, greens and browns
  • Materials: wood, glass and iron


Stile sfarzoso

Glamorous style

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Photo by blog.buyerselect.com | Pinterest
  • Stile lussuoso e raffinato
  • Pattern elaborati
  • Materiali costosi come il marmo accostati a elementi metallici riflettenti
  • Si ispira alle case lussuose del boom economico tra il 1997 e il 2010
  • Mescola elementi moderni a mobili e decorazioni dello stile vintage e classico
  • Utilizzo di colori neutri desaturati (es. Rosa pallido)
  • Niente rossi, arancioni, blu o verdi
  • Luxurious and refined style
  • Elaborate patterns
  • Expensive materials such as marble combined with reflective metal elements
  • It is inspired by the luxurious houses of the economic boom between 1997 and 2010
  • Mix modern elements with vintage and classic furniture and decorations
  • Use of desaturated neutral colors (eg pale pink)
  • No to red, orange, blue or green

Stile Hollywoodiano

Hollywood glam style

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Photo by perfete.com | Pinterest
  • Stile drammatico che vuole essere notato, decadente e lussuoso
  • Accostamento di colori vivaci e saturi ad alto contrasto
  • Pattern naturali particolari (zebrati, leopardati, tigrati)
  • Tende particolari e stravaganti
  • Oggetti decorativi antichi e lussuosi
  • Metalli lucidi come ottone e oro
  • Being dramatic and getting noticed, decadent and luxurious
  • Bold colour palette of high contrast colours
  • Natural particular pattern (zebra, leopard, tiger)
  • Singular and extravagant curtains
  • Ancient and luxurious decorative objects
  • Glossy metal like brass and gold

Stile Hollywood classico

Classic Hollywood style

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Photo by mixandchic.com | Pinterest
  • Ispirato ai film hollywoodiani ambientati nelle epoche classiche (greci, romani, neoclassico)
  • Ambiente lussuoso, esagerato, come se ci si trovasse su un set
  • Molti dettagli e decorazioni
  • Materiali: legno, ferro, metalli riflettenti, pelle, cuoio, materiali sintetici
  • Colori audaci e contrastanti; quasi sempre accostati al nero e all’oro
  • Presenza di foto di famosi attori di Hollywood o locandine di film d’epoca
  • Inspired by Hollywood films set in classical times (Greek, Roman, neoclassical)
  • Luxurious, exaggerated atmosphere, as if you were on a set
  • Many details and decorations
  • Materials: wood, iron, reflective metals, leather, leather, synthetic materials
  • Bold and contrasting colors; almost always combined with black and gold
  • Presence of photos of famous Hollywood actors or vintage film posters

Stile appartamento parigino

Parisian Apartment Style

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Photo by acscoffoni.com | Pinterest
  • Ispirato ai film francesi degli anni ‘50
  • Presenza di dettagli architetturali rinascimentali
  • Mobili d’epoca
  • Ambiente chic, luminoso e pulito
  • Uso di tessuti e tappeti morbidi alla vista e al tatto (es. velluto, raso…)
  • Colori poco saturi e tinte tenui
  • Pavimento in legno, spesso posato a spina di pesce
  • Poco utilizzo di colori dalle tinte scure contrastanti
  • Inspired by the French films of the 1950s
  • Presence of Renaissance architectural details
  • Period furniture
  • Chic, bright and clean environment
  • Use of soft fabrics and carpets that are soft to the eye and touch (e.g. velvet, satin …)
  • Little saturated colors and soft hues
  • Wooden floor, often laid in a herringbone pattern
  • Little use of colors with contrasting dark hues


Stile industriale

Industrial style

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Photo by tomhowley.co.uk | Pinterest
  • Inclusione degli elementi costruttivi
  • Mascolino
  • Colori neutri (bianco, grigio, nero)
  • Texture naturali come mattone e dettagli in metallo
  • Mobili recuperati o in stile rustico
  • Make a feature of structural elements
  • Masculine and mature
  • Neutral color scheme (white, gray, black)
  • Natural textures (bricks, metal details)
  • Salvaged furniture or in rustic style

Stile loft

Loft style

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Photo by bodyartstyle.com | Pinterest
  • Simile allo stile industriale ma più chic
  • Decorazioni realizzate in ferro, alluminio intagliati o intrecciati per creare unici oggetti di design
  • Utilizzo di materiali facilmente riconoscibili
  • Inclusione degli elementi costruttivi
  • Uso di ferro, acciaio, rame e acciaio ossidato
  • Colori naturali neutri
  • Spazi grandi e molto alti, spesso con soppalco
  • Maggior uso di tessuti e tappeti
  • Similar to the industrial style but more chic
  • Decorations, made of iron, carved or braided aluminum to create unique design objects
  • Use of easily recognizable materials
  • Inclusion of construction elements
  • Use of iron, steel, copper and oxidized steel
  • Neutral natural colors
  • Large and very high spaces, often with mezzanine
  • Greater use of fabrics and rugs


Stile rustico

Rustic style

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Photo by aahardwoods.com | Pinterest
  • Materiali: legno e pietra non trattati
  • Camino come punto focale
  • Utilizzo di mobili recuperati
  • Colori nei toni dei gialli e dei marroni
  • Decorazioni con oggetti metallici industriali
  • Materials: untreated wood and stone
  • Fireplace is the focal point
  • Salvaged bold furniture
  • Colour palette of yellows and browns
  • Decorate with industrial metal objects

Stile rustico moderno

Modern rustic style

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Photo by rehkamplarson.com | Pinterest
  • Mix tra elementi in stile rustico e mobili moderni
  • Muri spesso grezzi o rivestiti in materiale naturale con texture (mattoni, travi di legno, pietra, stucco)
  • Colori naturali sui toni dei beige, del marrone e dei materiali naturali
  • Uso del nero in contrasto con gli altri colori
  • Grandi vetrate, solitamente con infissi neri
  • Tappeti e tessuti che richiamano lo stile rustico
  • Mix between rustic elements and modern furniture
  • Often rough walls or walls covered with textured natural material (bricks, wooden beams, stone, stucco)
  • Natural colors in shades of beige, brown and natural materials
  • Use of black in contrast with other colors
  • Large windows, usually with black window frames
  • Rugs and fabrics that recall the rustic style

Stile rustico moderno cinese

Chinese modern rustic  style

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Photo by mp.weixin.qq.com | Pinterest
  • Mobili e decorazioni in stile cinese
  • Colori naturali neutri
  • Legno scuro, meno rosso rispetto allo stile cinese tradizionale
  • Mix tra stile cinese tradizionale e stile moderno
  • Ambiente più ordinato e minimalista
  • Chinese style furniture and decorations
  • Neutral natural colors
  • Dark wood, less red than traditional Chinese style
  • Mix between traditional Chinese style and modern style
  • More orderly and minimalist environment

Stile Mix & Match

Mix & Match Style

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Photo by mydomaine.com | Pinterest
  • Parola d’ordine: sperimentare
  • Accostamento di decorazioni e mobili da diverse epoche
  • Stile molto personale, tra il kitsch e l’eclettico
  • Ideale per mettere in mostra le proprie collezioni
  • Non adatto a tutti
  • Mobili spesso non coordinati
  • Keyword: experiment
  • Combination of decorations and furniture from different eras
  • Very personal style, between kitsch and eclectic
  • Ideal for showing off your collections
  • Not suitable for everyone
  • Furniture often uncoordinated

Stile DIY

DIY style

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Photo by s3.amazonaws.com | Pinterest
  • Stile recente, che permette la collaborazione dei più piccoli e dei più giovani
  • Decorazioni fatte a mano
  • Usato spesso nelle stanze dei bambini e degli adolescenti per lasciar loro liberare la fantasia e crearsi il proprio spazio
  • Pareti dipinte in maniera alternativa
  • Pochi mobili fissi
  • Morbidi tappeti a terra
  • Recent style, which allows the collaboration of the youngest and youngest
  • Handmade decorations
  • Often used in the rooms of children and adolescents to let them free their imagination and create their own space
  • Alternatively painted walls
  • Few fixed furniture
  • Soft rugs on the ground

Stile Shabby Chic

Shabby Chic style

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Photo by basniowy_dom | Instagram
  • Romantico e confortevole
  • Colori tenui, sui toni del bianco, del crema e colori pastello
  • Mobili vissuti
  • Decori floreali
  • Stoffe e tessuti, tra cui soprattutto lino e cotone morbido
  • Alcuni tocchi glamour
  • Romantic and comfortable
  • Pale colour palette of whites, creams and pastels
  • Furniture from thrift shops
  • Floral decorations
  • Fabrics and textiles (linen and soft cotton)
  •  Add glamorous touches


Stile country

Country style

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Photo by architecturaldigest.com | Pinterest
  • Stile semplice e rurale
  • Texture di materiali naturali
  • Uso di piastrelle in terracotta o legno a pavimento
  • Muri di mattoni, o con stucco a grana spessa
  • Spesso travi a vista sul soffitto
  • Colori chiari in contrasto con i colori dei materiali grezzi
  • Mobili in legno con intreccio rattan
  • Simple and rural style
  • Texture of natural materials
  • Use of terracotta or wood floor tiles
  • Brick walls, or with thick-grained stucco
  • Often exposed beams on the ceiling
  • Light colors in contrast with the colors of the raw materials
  • Wooden furniture with rattan weave

Stile country inglese

English country style

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Photo by theglampad.com | Pinterest
  • Pareti decorate con materiali naturali (mattoni o pietra) o con pareti stuccate con finitura grezza
  • Uso di wallpaper dai colori tenui con decori floreali alle pareti
  • Pavimenti in legno
  • Mobili in rattan spesso di colore bianco
  • Colori pastello
  • Walls decorated with natural materials (brick or stone) or with plastered walls with a rough finish
  • Use of soft colored wallpaper with floral decorations on the walls
  • Wooden floors
  • Thick rattan furniture in white color
  • Pastel colours

Stile country francese

French country style

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Photo by hellolovelystudio.com | Pinterest
  • Stile raffinato e delicato
  • Morbide tonalità di pastelli mescolate al rosso dei mattoni, della terracotta o del legno
  • Contrasto tra il tenue dei colori pastello e i materiali grezzi
  • Interni più luminosi e dolci
  • Pavimento scuro in legno, piastrelle in cotto o in marmo
  • Tessuto e fantasia dal vecchio stile francese
  • Refined and delicate style
  • Soft shades of pastels mixed with red from the bricks, the terracotta tiles or the wood
  • Contrast between the soft of muted colors and the raw materials
  • Lighter and sweeter interior
  • Dark floor in wood, terracotta tiles or in marble
  • Fabric and pattern from the old French way

Stile country americano

American country style

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Photo by gpschafer.com | Pinterest
  • Celebra la bellezza dei grandi spazi aperti
  • Materiali naturali: legno, pietra, mattoni…
  • Pavimento di legno o in pietra
  • Muro perlinato
  • Colori caldi
  • Celebrate the beauty of the great outdoors
  • Natural materials: wood, stone, brick …
  • Stone tiles or wooden floor
  • Walls decorate with wood
  • Warm colors

Stile country thai

Thai country style

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Photo by rumahjoglojmi.wordpress.com | Pinterest
  • Ispirato alla vita rurale in Thailandia
  • Mobili in bambù o in legno
  • Texture naturale di paglia o bambù intrecciato
  • Stile semplice, con poche decorazioni
  • Colori naturali del legno e del bambù
  • Inspired by rural life in Thailand
  • Bamboo or wooden furniture
  • Natural texture of woven straw or bamboo
  • Simple style, with few decorations
  • Natural colors of wood and bamboo


Stile tropicale

Tropical style

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Photo by Pinterest
  • Texture naturali
  • Piante tropicali in vaso
  • Uso di legni
  • Colori ispirati ai toni della giungla e dell’oceano
  • Tappeti con pattern particolari
  • Natural textiles
  • Potted tropical plants
  • Material: woods
  • Colour palette inspired by jungle and ocean
  • Carpet with particular pattern

Stile thai tropicale moderno

Modern tropical Thai style

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Photo by baanlaesuan.com | Pinterest
  • Ispirato allo stile delle tipiche palafitte del sud della Thailandia
  • Materiali: legno, teak, bambù, rattan, cemento, pietra
  • Decorazioni in legno con dettagli dipinti tipici dell’arte thailandese o con intagli nel legno sempre secondo pattern dell’arte thailandese
  • Luci perlopiù artificiali
  • Tessuti tipici thailandesi
  • Inspired by the style of the typical stilt houses of southern Thailand
  • Materials: wood, teak, bamboo, rattan, concrete, stone
  • Wooden decorations with painted details typical of Thai art or with carvings in wood always according to patterns of Thai art
  • Mostly artificial lights
  • Typical Thai fabrics

Stile bali tropicale moderno

Modern tropical Bali style

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Photo by anantara.com | Pinterest
  • Utilizzo maggiore del bianco, con minore presenza del legno rispetto al bali tropicale
  • Piante in vaso sparse per l’ambiente
  • Luci a soffitto sotto forma di lampadari con texture in bambù
  • Pavimento in piastrelle con texture in pietra o legno
  • Grandi sofa o poltrone per il relax
  • Stoffe ruvide al tatto
  • Aperto verso l’esterno
  • Grandi finestre per far entrare luce
  • Greater use of white, with less presence of wood than tropical Bali
  • Potted plants scattered around the environment
  • Ceiling lights in the form of chandeliers with bamboo texture
  • Tiled floor with stone or wood texture
  • Large sofas or armchairs for relaxation
  • Fabrics rough to the touch
  • Open to the outside
  • Large windows to let in light

Stile Bali tropicale

Tropical Bali style

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Photo by nest_twenty_eight | Instagram
  • Materiali: legno, bambù, piastrelle in terracotta
  • Contrasto tra bianco e legno
  • Colori caldi sui toni del marrone, dei gialli e dei bianchi
  • Texture intrecciate e stoffe ruvide al tatto
  • Ambiente aperto, che dà sull’esterno
  • Utilizzo di luci a soffitto e a parete per illuminare maggiormente l’ambiente
  • Materials: wood, bamboo, terracotta tiles
  • Contrast between white and wood
  • Warm colors in shades of brown, yellow and white
  • Braided textures and rough-touch fabrics
  • Open environment, which gives on the outside
  • Use of ceiling and wall lights to further illuminate the environment


Stile occidentale del sud

South Western Style

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Photo by italianbark.com | Pinterest
  • Influenze dagli spagnoli, dai nativi americani e dai pionieri americani
  • Accogliente
  • Pareti in stucco bianco
  • Pareti con murales
  • Travi di legno a vista
  • Piastrelle in terracotta a terra
  • Decorazioni con mosaici
  • Colori caldi, sui toni del rosso, oro e giallo con dettagli in verde e turchese
  • Tappeti con motivi aztechi o navajo
  • Influence from Spanish, Native American, and Pioneer American settlers
  • Cozy and warm
  • White stucco walls
  • Murals on walls
  • Exposed wooden beams
  • Terracotta tiles on the floor
  • Decorations with mosaics
  • Warm colors as red, gold and yellow with green and turquoise details
  • Rugs with Aztec or Navajo pattern

Stile provenzale francese

French provincial style

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Photo by shelterness.com | Pinterest
  • Tradizionale e rustico
  • Mettere in mostra i propri oggetti di antiquariato
  • Mobili vissuti
  • Toni sul bianco e colori neutri
  • Materiali naturali
  • Luce naturale
  • Traditional and antiquated
  • Display your antiques
  • Lived in furnitures
  • White and neutral colour palette
  • Natural material
  • Natural light

Stile Bohèmien

Bohèmien style

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Photo by no19.lillyislove.com | Pinterest
  • Vivace e colorato
  • Non ci sono regole: esprimiti!
  • Largo uso di tessuti, spesso colorati
  • Colori abbinati a pattern
  • Metti in mostra i tuoi oggetti
  • Piante in vaso
  • Lively and colorful
  • There are no rules to follow: just express yourself!
  •  Layer textile on textile, often colorful textile
  • Match colour with pattern
  • Display your collections
  • Potted plants

Stile Toscano

Tuscany style

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Photo by wimco.com | Pinterest
  • Richiamo all’architettura toscana con influenze mediterranee
  • Fascino rustico della vita rurale
  • Materiali grezzi a vista
  • Uso di materiali naturali come piastrelle in terracotta, legno, mattoni, pietra
  • Soffitto con travi a vista oppure a volta
  • Muri con finiture grezze e texture visibili
  • Colori naturali caldi come le sfumature del marrone, i gialli, arancioni, rossi e rosa
  • Piante in vaso
  • Atmosfera rilassata
  • Reference to Tuscan architecture with Mediterranean influences
  • Rustic charm of rural life
  • Raw materials at sight
  • Use of natural materials such as terracotta, wood, brick, stone tiles
  • Ceiling with exposed beams or vaulted ceilings
  • Walls with rough finishes and visible textures
  • Warm natural colors such as shades of brown, yellow, orange, red and pink
  • Potted plants
  • Relaxed atmosphere

Stile mediterraneo

Mediterranean style

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Photo by yourspacefurniture.com | Pinterest
  • Archi e colonne
  • Stucco sulle pareti
  • Piastrelle in terracotta sui pavimenti
  • Colori caldi, come il terra, i marroni, gli aranci e i gialli
  • Mobili con dettagli in ferro
  • Arches and columns
  • Stucco on the walls
  • Terracotta tiles on the floor
  • Colour palette of earth browns, oranges and yellows
  • Furniture with iron

Stile costiero

Coastal style

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Photo by tuvaluhome.wordpress.com | Pinterest
  • Aperto verso l’esterno (grandi vetrate)
  • Tonalità che ricordano il mare e la spiaggia + bianco
  • Mobili in legno
  • Tessuti organici
  • Luminoso
  • No alle decorazioni in stile nautico
  • Open up to outside (big windows)
  • Beach tones for the colour palette + white
  • Wooden furniture
  • Organic textiles
  • Bright
  • Avoid nautical decorations

Stile marocchino

Morocco style

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Photo by Villa Maroc Resort | Agoda.com
  • Richiamo all’architettura moresca, con influenze islamiche e africane
  • Mix tra culture, colorato, vivace e pieno di dettagli
  • Bianco in contrasto con uno o più colori vivaci nei toni dei blu, viola, verdi, gialli, rossi, arancioni e rosa
  • Materiali: tappeti persiani, mosaici
  • Decorazioni floreali stilizzate e pattern geometrici
  • Utilizzo di vetri colorati
  • Muri semigrezzi con texture a vista
  • Presenza di archi e colonne decorate con linee curve arabeggianti
  • Luci sparse con varie lampade e candelabri
  • Spazi alti e ampi, che danno l’impressione di essere all’aperto
  • Reference to Moorish architecture, with Islamic and African influences
  • Mix between cultures, colorful, lively and full of details
  • White in contrast with one or more bright colors in shades of blue, purple, green, yellow, red, orange and pink
  • Materials: Persian rugs, mosaics
  • Stylized floral decorations and geometric patterns
  • Use of colored glasses
  • Semi-rough walls with exposed texture
  • Presence of arches and columns decorated with arabesque curved lines
  • Scattered lights with various lamps and candlesticks
  • High and wide spaces, which give the impression of being outdoors

Stile tribale

Tribal style

Interior design: stili | styles | สไตล์
Photo by homedecorgayam003.blogspot.com | Pinterest
  • Utilizzo di elementi artigianali in stile africano
  • Maschere, piatti e sculture artigianali come elementi di arredo
  • Mobili rustici in legno
  • Utilizzo di tessuti, cuscini, pellicce o tappeti con trame naturali
  • Colori di riferimento: terre, sabbia, marrone, miele
  • Piante per decorare l’ambiente
  • Use of handcrafted elements in African style
  • Craft masks, dishes and sculptures as furnishing elements
  • Rustic wooden furniture
  • Use of fabrics, cushions, furs or rugs with natural textures
  • Reference colors: earth, sand, brown, honey
  • Plants to decorate the environment

Stile cinese tradizionale

Traditional Chinese style

Interior design: stili | styles | สไตล์
Photo by kontenta.co.uk | Pinterest
  • Richiamo alla tradizione e alla storia cinese
  • Materiali: legno, tessuti tra cui sete e velluti, ceramiche
  • Decorazioni: lanterne, quadri e vasi tradizionali, elementi di legno intagliati, arazzi e stoffe cinesi
  • Colori: bianco e rosso (anche il legno è tendente al rosso)
  • Mobili massicci in legno, a volte con intagli in madreperla
  • Utilizzo di luce artificiale per illuminare l’ambiente
  • Disposizione dei mobili secondo il Feng Shui
  • Presenza di elementi che augurano fortuna e prosperità secondo la tradizione cinese (es: carpe, gru, draghi, pavoni o cigni)
  • Porte e partizioni decorate con intagli ricercati
  • Reference to Chinese tradition and history
  • Materials: wood, fabrics including silks and velvets, ceramics
  • Decorations: lanterns, traditional paintings and vases, carved wooden elements, Chinese tapestries and fabrics
  • Colors: white and red (wood also tends to be red)
  • Solid wooden furniture, sometimes with mother-of-pearl carvings
  • Use of artificial light to illuminate the environment
  • Arrangement of furniture according to Feng Shui
  • Presence of elements that wish luck and prosperity according to the Chinese tradition (e.g. carp, cranes, dragons, peacocks or swans)
  • Doors and partitions decorated with refined carvings

Stile giapponese tradizionale

Traditional Japanese style

Interior design: stili | styles | สไตล์
Photo by tagle.jp | Pinterest
  • Utilizzo intelligente degli spazi
  • La funzionalità prima di tutto
  • Minimalista
  • Decorazioni minimali e in stile giapponese
  • Utilizzo di materiali naturali, soprattutto legno e bambù
  • Mobili bassi, solitamente ci si siede per terra
  • Presenza di bonsai o altre piante in vaso
  • Luce naturale
  • Colori neutri caldi in contrasto con pochi accenni neri o di colore scuro
  • Intelligent use of spaces
  • Functionality above all
  • Minimalist
  • Minimal and Japanese-style decorations
  • Use of natural materials, especially wood and bamboo
  • Low furniture, usually you sit on the floor
  • Presence of bonsai or other potted plants
  • Natural light
  • Warm neutral colors in contrast with a few black or dark hints

Stile Zen asiatico

Asian Zen style

Interior design: stili | styles | สไตล์
Photo by freepik.com
  • Tranquillità
  • Rispetta i principi del Feng Shui
  • Forme circolari oppure rettangolari con bordi in contrasto
  • Pavimento in legno
  • Decorazioni al minimo
  • Colori sui toni del bianco, beige, crema e tonalità pastello calde
  • Utilizzo di partizioni o tende per dividere gli spazi
  • Tranquillity
  • Look to the ancient principles of Feng Shui
  • Circular shapes or rectangular with clean contrasting border
  • Wooden floors
  • Minimal decoration
  • Colour palette with beiges, whites, soft creams and pale yellows
  • Curtains or partition to divide the space

Stile Lanna
(Thailandia del Nord)

Lanna style
(Northern Thailand)

Interior design: stili | styles | สไตล์
Photo by superstock.com | Pinterest
  • Ispirato alla vita delle regioni nel nord della Thailandia
  • Grande utilizzo del legno, soprattutto teak
  • Altri materiali: piastrelle in terracotta, finiture laccate di nero
  • Accessori e mobili in bambù
  • Tessuti tipici del nord della Thailandia
  • Colori caldi e naturali
  • È un misto tra stile rurale e stile tropicale
  • Inspired by the life of the regions in northern Thailand
  • Great use of wood, especially teak
  • Other materials: terracotta tiles, black lacquered finishes
  • Bamboo accessories and furniture
  • Typical fabrics of northern Thailand
  • Warm and natural colors
  • Recalls a mix between rural and tropical style

Stile scandinavo

Scandinavian style

Interior design: stili | styles | สไตล์
Photo by fabfitfun.com | Pinterest
  • Semplicità
  • Hygge = accogliente
  • Colori neutri chiari
  • Pareti e soffitto bianchi e/o grigi
  • Pavimento in legno
  • Mobili in legno, in stile scandinavo
  • Tappeti e tessuti in materiali organici
  • Piccoli dettagli colorati
  • Luce naturale
  • Piante in vaso
  • Simplicity
  • Hygge = cosiness
  • Neutral bright colors
  • Whites and/or greys walls and ceilings
  • Wooden floor
  • Wooden furniture in scandinavian style
  • Furs, rugs and textiles made of organic materials
  • Little colored details
  • Natural light
  • Potted plants

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